Professor Yan Yonghong Was Elected As The New President of AALD
The election of Asian Association of Lighting Designers (AALD) was held successfully at Chongqing University on 14 December, 2018. Attendees of this congress included the first president Mr. Ren Yuanhui, Secretary-General Mr. Ma Bin, and standing directors Professor Chang Zhigang, Mr. Chen Hantong, Professor Liang Zheng, Professor Li Guang, Professor Qi Bin, Mr. Shi Hengzhao, Professor Wang Lixiong, Professor Xu Dongliang, Professor Yan Yonghong, Professor Yuan Jingyu and Professor Zhao Honghong.
New Secretary-General of AALD Mr. Ma Bin (Left)
New President of AALD Ms. Yan Yonghong(Middle)
Honorary Chairman of AALD Mr. Ren Yuanhui
After the vote of all the standing directors, the Congress voted unanimously to elect Ms. Yan Yonghong, the professor of Architecture and Urban Planning faculty of Chongqing University, as the new President of AALD. Mr. Ma Bin was re-elected as Secretary-General and Mr. Ren Yuanhui was elected as Honorary Chairman of AALD.
Mr. Wang Jinsui, who is former Chairman of China Illuminating Engineering Society, conveyed his congratulations on their promotion. He said he firmly believes that under the leadership of the new team, AALD will be able to make a greater contribution in the future.